📖 Welcome

📖 Welcome to this online French

course for parents and their children!

I hope you will love this course and learn an awful lot whilst also enjoying some special, bonding moments with your child.

This is a true passion project for me, and the idea that I can become the language coach, teacher and cheerleader to hundreds of families across the world fills me with utter joy! If you want to read more about me and Coucou Loulou, you can do so here.

You are about to embark on a linguistic adventure of learning French through songs, puppetry, storytelling, movement and sensory activities.

In this course, you will get:

* 6 pre-recorded videos 

* 6 optional, live, online Singalong sessions

* An online guide for parents

* The Coucou Loulou playlist

* Printable/online materials (tips for parents and families, vocab’ sheets, suggested activities to further the learning, song lyrics, flashcards)

* Access to my closed Facebook group: a community of like-minded parents with who to share doubts, questions and success stories, access to ME for all your questions, bonus online materials, live Q&A, and more. (Under construction - all it needs is YOU!)

This course is designed to not only teach babies and young children, but also all the adults who feature in your child’s life, be it childminders, nannies or even grand-parents. Please get everyone involved in singing, playing and learning French - together! 

Ready? On y va!

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